Name                      : Melysa Putri Angraieni

NIM                        : 2270402036

Study Program    : Penerbitan

Project Title        : Bumantara Publishing


Mid-Term Test:

1.                   Please Explain Briefly about your understanding on Publipreneur Based Language Learning


Ø  Project-based learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working over a period of time to examine and respond to original, interesting and complex questions, problems or challenges.


2.                   How can PBLL Influence and improve your reading skill? Give example

Ø  There is interaction between the reader and the text. This process involves deliberate thinking, problem solving and getting information by the reader. This process will give birth to the concept of reading comprehension. Therefore, reading comprehension only occurs if the reader can adjust goals, solve problems and get information clearly from the text.


3.                   How can PBLL Influence and improve your writing skill? Give example

Ø  Writing involves a number of activities; setting goals, generating ideas, organizing information, selecting appropriate language, drafting, reading and revising, then revising and editing. The process of writing is a complex activity, requiring not only language skills but also creativity in composing a series of words, sentences into text that is easy to read and understand. Moreover, writing is essentially making a point and providing evidence to support or expand on it point to make it clearer.

4.                   How can PBLL. Influence and improve your listening skill? Give example

Ø  From this activity, students were first directed to work together in their respective groups and then presented the results of their group to other students. After that, the lecturer trains them to be independent by giving them individual assignments. This PBL model, besides being able to increase students' self-confidence, can also improve the results of students' listening skills.

5.                   How can PBLL Influence and improve your speaking skill? Give example

Ø  Project-based learning can increase vocabulary acquisition in English, train English pronunciation, familiarizes students with conveying ideas in English, and trains students' self-confidence. So they can communicate verbally using English.

6.                   Please give verbal verification about project you edit

Ø  The script that I edited is correct, what I edited in the script is dots, commas, and capitals.

7.                   Please explain about editorial judgment on the project you edit

Ø  Overall it’s good, but just need to fix the semicolon and capitals.


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